Hiring a garden designer is essential to building the garden of your dreams. Designing a garden is not as simple as saving some pretty pictures you find on Pinterest. Garden design is a process that can take years to master. Here at Wakefield Landscapes, our garden designers are university educated and have plenty of experience in the industry. If you are untrained in landscaping, you may not know all of the available options that can make a real difference to your garden. Understanding the wide range of options available for your garden is imperative to making the most of your investment.

So, why do you need a digital garden design? When speaking to customers, our landscape gardeners in Wakefield find that our design service tends to sell itself. But, if you are unsure, we have put together this article to explain why working with a garden designer is always worthwhile to maximise your garden's potential.

A garden designer can help you create a strong design concept

If you want to have your garden designed by a Wakefield garden designer, you might be in a position where you have tried to come up with ideas to little avail. It is easy to decide what style you like and which features you want to incorporate into the design; however, trying to piece together the puzzle is the hardest part of any landscaping project. A designer will work with you to develop an overall concept for your garden transformation that suits your budget and lifestyle. For instance, if you have young children, your designer will make adjustments to ensure that the design is safe for your children to roam around. Likewise, if you have limited mobility, your landscaper in Wakefield will ensure that you can access every corner of your garden by creating an accessible garden design.

When explaining a well-designed garden, one of our designers insists that a garden should offer a sensory journey where "as you walk through the space, a range of features should captivate your attention at different times". Making a garden a sensory experience is a challenge our Wakefield garden designers accept every time they start work on a new project. A sensory experience is not purely down to the garden's appearance; whilst we always want our designs to be beautiful, you could also target smell by including an assortment of plants. Sound is an essential factor to consider: wind chimes, water features and attracting wildlife can all create different sounds that enhance the journey through your garden. Why not include a wild area in your design if you want to attract various birds to your garden?

Blue Tit - U.K. Garden

A designer can advise you on the landscaping process

Depending on the size and shape of your garden, you may not realise its potential. Not only will your Wakefield landscaper work with you to create a bespoke garden design, but they can also offer advice about the technical aspects of landscaping. It isn't easy to coherently plan a garden project if you don't know and understand the technical aspects of landscaping. Do you need a retaining wall? Would planning permission be required? 

We adopt a slightly different approach to landscaping here at Wakefield Landscapes. Compared to your typical landscaping company, we say we adopt a technology-driven approach to designing and installing high-quality gardens. When you use our digital garden design service, we will not abandon you once you have the completed plan. Instead, we work with our landscaping partners to get you three quotes; these are Wakefield landscape gardeners that we trust to install your dream garden. Let us find you a few quotations, and you can sit back and relax knowing that we are getting the right people to price the project.

There is less pressure on you

Designing a garden can be highly time-consuming. Here at Wakefield Landscapes, we understand that you work hard and long hours, which is why you deserve to come home to the garden of your dreams. Landscaping your garden is expensive, and getting it right will be necessary. Many people remortgage their property to undertake a garden transformation. That is why we offer our digital garden design service to take the pressure away from you. Let us get it right! You don't want to waste your money, and seeing a plan for your project is an excellent way to reduce the pressure. Above all else, you take the weight off your shoulders by letting our Wakefield landscape gardeners do the hard work for you. Not only will you save yourself a lot of time, but you will also no longer have to stress about how your garden will turn out.

Did you know that landscaping your garden can increase your property's value by as much as 20%? Our experienced garden designers know how to maximise the potential of your garden to achieve an increase in the value of your property. We keep up to date with the latest trends to ensure that the gardens we design incorporate the features new buyers will be seeking. If you are only looking to transform your garden ahead of selling your property, seeking advice from our landscape gardeners in Wakefield is a wise idea, allowing you to ensure that we choose the right design to make you the most profit.

They can design a garden for your budget

When we first speak to a potential client, many people are reluctant to share their budget. We understand; they probably think we will add additional costs to the project. That is not the case. We recommend investing in a digital garden design for two reasons.

If you have a specific budget for your project, your Wakefield garden designer can create a design that is within your budget. If we do not know how much you would like to spend on your garden, we could create something that is wildly over what you are looking to spend. Agreeing on the budget for the project from the offset allows our designer to make the most suitable design for your requirements whilst trying to accommodate your budget. In addition, if you do not have a sufficient budget, that does not stop you from working towards your dream garden. One of the many benefits of the design process is that you can break the project into phases; this is an approach many people take to make getting their dream garden more realistic. That way, you can install different parts of your garden without breaking the bank overnight.


You will see what your garden will look like before you commit to the investment

The most significant advantage of the digital garden design service is knowing what your new garden will look like before you fully commit to its installation. By the end of the design process, you will receive high-quality rendered images of what your garden could become. These images are almost as good as a time machine, showing you in a lifelike format what we hope to achieve. Seeing your new garden is perfect because if there is anything within the design you are not happy with, we can make changes at this stage; this becomes much harder when hard landscaping commences. Would you build an extension to your property without speaking to an architect? Designing your garden should follow the same logic, do not waste your money. A landscaping project without a design is like building a house upon the sand.

One of the reasons we hate to see garden projects go ahead without a design is because every landscaper will have a slightly subjective understanding of what exactly you want. If you’ve spoken to three different landscapers, you will have three different interpretations of your project. Although there may be only slight variations, it could mean you are unhappy with the results.

You can use your design and get multiple quotes

Our Wakefield landscape gardeners create designs that any landscaping company can use to price and complete the project. When you have a digital design with us, you are not locked into a contract to have the design installed. Every plan we create has accurate measurements and a list of materials needed to complete the design as presented. We understand that placing your trust in a single company can be difficult. Most people prefer to receive multiple quotes before deciding who to go ahead with. For this reason, we create plans you can send to different companies. Every company will price differently; at least with a digital design, you know everyone is pricing for the same specification.

You have an 'insurance policy'

The final reason we recommend investing in a digital garden design is to protect yourself against rogue tradesmen. Our industry has an awful reputation for shoddy work, and there are many horror stories where people have not received what they have set out to achieve. Handing over a significant amount of money to any company is nerve-racking, let alone to an industry known for being unreliable. However, if your landscaper failed to create a garden identical to your design, you have evidence. You can show your landscaper the plan and say, "I will not make my final payment until my garden is what we agreed." If you are ever unfortunate enough to end up in small claims court, you have all the evidence you need to win a claim.

Creating a garden design is ultimately an exciting process. You will have multiple meetings with your Wakefield landscape gardener until you are happy with the design. Here at Wakefield Landscapes, we would be happy to chat with you about garden designs if it is something you are considering. Please do not hesitate to contact us here.

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